Single Channel Fetal ECG Detection Using LMS and RLS Adaptive Filters
Alaa Aldoori1, Ali Buniya2, ZHENG Zheng1
1. School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093, China; 2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Iraq Khwarizmi Engineering College, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Abstract:ECG is an important tool for the primary diagnosis of heart diseases, which shows the electrophysiology of the heart. In our method, a single maternal abdominal ECG signal is taken as an input signal and the maternal P-QRS-T complexes of original signal is averaged and repeated and taken as a reference signal. LMS and RLS adaptive filters algorithms are applied. The results showed that the fetal ECGs have been successfully detected. The accuracy of Daisy database was up to 84% of LMS and 88% of RLS while PhysioNet was up to 98% and 96% for LMS and RLS respectively.
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